How to post cropped ears

Nitro z Padoku 4 months

I made a quick decision to crop my puppy’s ears, took a long drive to Riverside for the surgery, and then realized I forgot how to post cropped ears. It’s been over 15 years since I’ve done it. What materials to use, how long to post, what to watch for? Nitro is 14 months now… Continue reading How to post cropped ears

Posting doberman ears with cotton swabs and nasal strips

Posting doberman ears with cotton swabs and nasal strips

Read my previous article – an overview on how to post cropped ears that describes different ear posting methods. Posting doberman ears with cotton swabs and nasal strips is an easy method. I recommend to use this method only for correction of already standing ears. I began using this method when my puppy was about… Continue reading Posting doberman ears with cotton swabs and nasal strips